At the forefront of progress.
Quicker off the mark than the rest. Never take anything for granted. Do not be satisfied with existing standards. This is the school of thought with which highly motivated specialists at ElringKlinger carry out research and development work on new technologies and creative product concepts. These are then put into practice in future vehicle generations and new fields of application. Today's development results secure tomorrow's business.
We actively pursue new pioneering product developments. For instance, one of the milestones at ElringKlinger is the new generation of Metaloflex™ cylinder-head gaskets. Our Metaloseal™ gaskets and Elrotherm™ heat shields help to effectively reduce emissions in modern AdBlue™ modules for diesel engines. We are also much in demand in the fuel cell sector. We develop and manufacture technologically sophisticated components such as bipolar plates and sealing systems for fuel cell stacks.
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